Safety and Seeing in the Dark

Safety. You hear about it all the time. And with reason. Because it’s important.

Safety. You hear about it all the time. And with reason. Because it’s important. For new and veteran riders alike, safety is a habit we need to hold on to no matter what we see others doing around us.

See and be seen. Even if you have cat-like vision, it’s pretty much guaranteed that other cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians you encounter don’t. Fortunately, cycling has just the high fashion–okay at least bright fashion–and a full array of light accessories to help keep you in sight like a reflective vest over that winter coat or an added light clipped to the back of your hood or jacket. Simple starts that can blossom into a bright array of coats, vests, hats, lights to make your ride all the more merry and bright – if you so choose. Visit your local bike shop or sporting good store and snag that stylish bit of safety today!