Essential Workers Program

Capital Bikeshare is offering a program to give essential workers free bikeshare memberships. Through June 30th, eligible essential workers can sign up through their employer to access unlimited 30-minute trips on our bikes. Reach out to if you are a first responder, healthcare worker, food retail or transit employer and want to participate in the program.

How to enroll

EMPLOYER: Please complete this short form, for your organization to participate in the free bikeshare membership employee offer. Upon completion of the form, we will work with you to set up the program and provide all relevant details for employees to get started.

EMPLOYEE: Once you have received the program code from your employer, please follow these instructions:

  • Go to and select ‘Join/Log-in’.

  • Sign in (using the phone number associated with your Capital Bikeshare account).

  • Select See Plans under Membership Details.

  • Click on the “Essential Worker” link.

  • Enter program code into Discounted Memberships popup.

The free bikeshare membership is effective starting on your signup date. On July 31st, it does not auto-renew and there is no obligation to continue the membership.

After July 31st, if you are interested in purchasing a membership, learn more here.

FEES: All participants will be asked to enter their credit card information for any fees that may accrue.

  • Usage Fees: Membership includes unlimited 30-minute rides. If you keep a bike longer than 30 minutes, you will be responsible for usage fees.

  • Lost bike charge: If you have kept a bike for more than 24 consecutive hours, it is considered lost or stolen and there is a fee of $1,200 (plus tax). This can also happen if you did not dock your bike properly, your ride stayed open, and someone else took the bike and has not returned it.

Your health and safety is our top priority. Read more about our response to COVID-19.