The people have spoken, the numbers have been run and it’s time: We’re ready to announce the 2016 #busybike!
Please join us in this digital inauguration of a third #busybike to join W20167 and W21852 into the halls of Capital Bikeshare history. Meet W21828: 2016’s busiest Bikeshare bike! With 1,478 trips all over the service area, W21828’s title as 2016’s busiest bike is well-deserved indeed. It ranged as far north as Fenton St & Ellsworth Dr in Silver Spring and as far south as Duke St & John Carlyle St. Our riders took it as far west as East Falls Church Metro / Sycamore St & 19th st N and as far east as Oklahoma Ave & D St NE. It knows all of the busiest areas in the system because its top-51 most visited stations are the same as our system-wide numbers! It’s used to working quickly, with an average of just 5.5 hours between trips, but it did get a vacation at Glebe Rd & 11th St N station in Arlington for nearly two weeks in November - a perfect Thanksgiving break.
W21828 is currently visiting the Capital Bikeshare bike spa and getting its official 2016 #busybike garments fitted for 2017. Stay tuned for the official redeployment later this month!