Fanfare over the new fob-vending kiosk that was installed at 15th and M St NW last week has been nothing short of fantastic. Twitter was fired up with festive cheers from individual and corporate members who quickly spotted the new station from their nearby offices. The DowntownDC Bid was equally excited.
But we do note that this great kiosk, that allows new members to obtain their key fob at the kiosk after registering online rather than trusting the delivery to the postal system, first made its debut in Alexandria and is available at most locations there as well as six locations in Arlington, nine locations in Montgomery County and all 26 locations in Fairfax County. Look for that gray fob icon on our system map to find the closest fob-vending station near you!
Fanfare equally deserved for our new map panels that made their debut at the 15th and M St NW station and 4 others in the DC area. The map, that centers on the station it represents, offers bilingual instructions, a time based radial guide to help people see how far their ride should take as much as how many places Capital Bikeshare can take them. We are continuing to fine tune this map’s details and welcome your input to help make it the best map it can be.
And as if that was not enough new – new stations have been an equal priority across the board. Below is a roster of the installations that have been made across the metro region. We know you are eager for more stations even still and we appreciate your patience and your feedback at
Montgomery County: