Single Trip

The Single Trip is perfect for quick, one-way trips from point A to point B. No commitment necessary.

The Single Trip costs $1 to unlock and $0.05/min on a classic bike or $0.15/min on an ebike. See additional pricing for ebike parking information.

How to Buy a Single Trip

Single Trips can be purchased in the Lyft app, Capital Bikeshare mobile app or at any station kiosk. Please note ebike rides can only be purchased via the Capital Bikeshare app or Lyft app.

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Single Trip Price Information

Unlock$1 / ride
Classic$0.05 / min
Ebike$0.15 / min

Additional Pricing

Ebike parking is free at Capital Bikeshare stations. You’ll be charged $2 for parking an ebike at a public bike rack in the service area.

If you upgrade to an ebike or incur any extra time fees, your card on file will be charged. The fee for a lost or stolen bike is $1,200.